_Stacey Esslinger

Green Lattice Vase

  • $215.00
Item Description:

Pressed with beautiful patterns, this vase has an hourglass shape reminicient of a bodice with buttons and stitching motifs. The opening is layered with a lattice for cut flowers.

About the Artist:

Using a variety of fabrics, textiles, and molds of knitting, Stacey textures flat slabs of porcelain by pressing the fabric into the clay using a rolling pin. Attending Alfred seemed to push her toward ceramics but she was never able to let go of my love for textiles. After struggling for two years to find a way to combine the two art forms she finally found the solution; she abandoned the potter’s wheel. By constructing her forms with slabs she was able to emboss the porcelain with textured fabrics. She developed patterns for each form and use joining techniques similar to dressmaking, utilizing darts, gussets and even adding “buttons”.

Product Details:
  • 8" tall with a 5" diameter opening, base is 6" wide.