I am currently a part time professional photographer specializing in outdoor landscape and nature images. I also enjoy photographing outdoor events; photographically documenting outdoor nature and conservation related events and of course, I enjoy selling and sharing art quality prints of my images.
I grew up in Upstate New York in the Finger Lakes Region and started recording B&W images in grade school with a Kodak Brownie my mom gave me. A few years later, while starting high school, I invested my summer earnings from our roadside market in my first SLR film camera – a Pentax. It was wonderful. With help from some photo mentors, I built a darkroom in the basement of the farmhouse, and I would time-share the space with my photography friends. Meanwhile, in school, I was a candid photographer for the yearbook and president of the HS photo club. Fast forward to now: I use mostly Adobe Lightroom CC for post processing images - no more chemicals! My camera is a Canon full frame DSLR with a small collection of Canon L-series lenses. Meanwhile, I love to take photos of the outdoors; I spend many hours hiking around here near my home, mostly in the Caroline and Dryden fields, forests, and backroads.
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