June Szabo

Black and White Loom Woven Area Rug

  • $120.00
Item Description:

Hand woven on a loom, this area rug will bring beauty and character to your floors. Soft, thick and sturdy it will make a great addition to any room for many years to come.

About the Artist:

Weaving is a never ending exploration of color and pattern. It builds form by making countless intersections and connections necessary for the existence of the final product. For me the process represents the interrelated, interdependence of all things in nature and in our own world. I make woven chenille scarves three kinds of rugs: hand woven, weft-faced, and braided. My rugs and scarves are one of a kind. Weaving offers an unlimited number of possibilities to combine color and pattern. I can't resist the desire to try them all, though you may see something similar, you will not find another exactly like this one.

Product Details:
  • Measurement, 48"x 29" It is best to care for your rug by giving it a god shake on a regular basis. Wash in cold water, gentle cycle. Air-dry on a flat surface to prevent shrinking. Rug has been pre-washed, but strong colors will continue to run if they get wet. If you wash your rug, use synthropol or color collecting sheets to prevent the colors from tinting the warp.