Veronica's Hand Knits

Veronica's Hand Knits

All my life I have enjoyed creating things by hand. Whether baking a loaf of bread, or a batch of cookies, sewing a garment, or knitting an item, taking the time to make something for another has always been rewarding.

I learned the fundamentals of knitting from my maternal grandmother and mother. Many knitting books and fellow knitters have also guided me along the way. My goal is to create functional knitted items from natural fibers. Some of my knitted hats, mittens, and bags are then felted (felting or more correctly, fulling, is the process of creating a fabric from a knitted piece). Knitting is a slow process from the first stitch cast on to the last one cast off. I like this gradualness of creating something as it balances the hurried pace of the environment that surrounds us.

My hope is that by seeing and using my knitted bags, hats, mittens, and scarves, others will be inspired to learn the craft. And, I hope, to add a little bit of wearable art to our world.


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